Edible Bugs? No way!! Crispy, bed bugs?? OOOOhh yeah..

I keep thinking that there's going to be a point when I'm going to wake up and realize i'm sharing a bed with a hobo (spider). For those of you who know me, you've surely heard my HUGE spider, story...that by the way, after cleaning out my entire room and basement, is still very much MIA. I hate bugs, they're sneaky and they make crinkly sounds when you step on them....
Having said that, this centipede gets the prize for sexyness today. To start, check out those legs in the back (or what I think are legs)...they're just kind of hanging out looking all important and intimidating. Also, his antennas are adorably sloppy.
I felt bad because although centipedes are kind of evil and bite or do something to you that causes pain, this one was kind of like the stoned version of a centipede. It hung out on my floor for a while, like he had no clue what he was doing, or how he got there. I imagine the conversation between his father and him went something like this.
"Son, it's time you learned how to fend for yourself. Go, bite that one girl with the messy room. Teach her a thing or two about pain!"
"You got it pops...right after I finish this hit"
"I said NOW, Junior"
"Alright alright! Wait...what is it you want me to do once I creep into the bedroom?.."
Alas, Junior lost the battle. I put a cup over him, and he hasn't moved for days.
Joey: 1 Junior: 0
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