Who Said only vibrating machines could be sexy?
Seattle is growing up!!!
What with the link light rail and all...it's like an actual urban city.They recently added these nifty machines, that are very similar to the BART (Bay Area Metro Transit) machines, i suppose you can purchase your link light rail tickets, bus passes, and other transportation shenanigans.This wins for sexy today because, they look pretty, and they're new and shiny..and they are changing the face of public transportation for Seattle!
Way to go, Seattle! So while we're on the topic lets see, what cool things has Seattle accomplished in the last 20 years?
1) Frasier--understandably not that cool...but still the city got attention
2) Nirvana-- okay ...too easy..
3) Singles (the movie)-- Bill Pullman? Kyra Sedgwick? Matt Dillon?Bridget Fonda? ..can you think of a better/cooler cast to depict depressing Seattlite loneliness?? I mean maybe if they included Jeanine Garofalo, but I think she was busy being promiscuous (yah i dont know who'd want her either) in Reality Bites.
4)Sleepless in Seattle--worst movie ever...but, Tom Hanks is pretty awesome, still.
jumping several years...
5) Grey's Anatomy--because who doesn't want to see a bunch of doctors talk about their STDs, and their alcoholic fathers, and self servingly apply every one of their patients' issues to their own lives.
6) America's 50 Greenest Cities : Seattle's ranked 8th...which is pretty amazing if you ask me. Between all the meth heads and the homeless people trashing our streets, Seattle still manages to be adamant about keeping it's environment clean and breathable!
7) A transit system that is not half bad. Sure...the buses stop working on snow days...but whatever, in time these buses will pwn any sort of natural disaster!
I may have missed a few other awesome things...add on if you'd like. bitte!
Very nice, I can't believe you know what pwn is... haha